03 okt Checklist: ready for your first assessment with Comproved?
Once you’ve done your research and comparative judgement seems like a good fit for you, start the next step. Get started setting up your first assessment with Comproved without any problems thanks to this checklist.

I know what I want to achieve by using comparative judgement.
Keeping the goal clear is the most important thing. An educational innovation deployed purely because it is fun, hip or new is not going to work. It is essential that you use comparative judgement because you see added value in it for your teaching. For example: you want to create assessment criteria with students, you want to make the peer feedback process more educational, and/or you want to make your assessment more reliable… Maybe you have another goal of your own.

I know which subject I want to use Comproved for.
Which subject is best suited to achieve your goal? Perhaps there is a specific subject that you have had in mind from the beginning. Also, take a look at the course’s learning objectives to see if comparative judgement fits the learning objectives. Are the learning objectives still up to date or does anything need to be changed or added? For example, consider a learning objective that deals with teaching feedback skills.

I know what assignment I want to give my students.
What assignment is going to be the focus? This could be anything: an essay, a presentation, a portfolio, a report… Comproved supports different types of files that can be submitted, including videos and sound files. Even works you want to assess live are suitable for Comproved. And is it a group assignment or rather individual? Above all, choose an assignment that suits your purpose. Is it an existing assignment, or does it need some tweaking? Again, the link to your learning objectives is important.

I know when I will have the assessment take place.
At what point in the academic year will you start working on an assessment with Comproved? Reason backwards from here. Is there anything else that needs to be arranged for you to be able to use Comproved? Do you still need support? We are happy to help.

I know how many participants I have and how many comparisons they have to make.
It’s important to know how many participants your assessment will have so you can think about how many comparisons everyone will make. It also depends on your goal: Are you going to use the tool for formative or summative pupose? With a formative use of Comproved, you need fewer comparisons because it is primarily about learning. If both assessors and students participate, do they make the same number of comparisons or do you want to divide this differently? Want to know more about how this works? We’ve collected a lot of information here.

I know how many assessors I need and who they are.
If you know how many comparisons are needed you can estimate how many assessors are needed to keep the workload somewhat manageable. And do you deploy only teachers or also students? Or do you involve external people from the work field?

I know what kind of feedback assessors should give.
Do you want assessors to give feedback? If so, you can give feedback in Comproved in several ways. Do you work with strengths and weaknesses or assessment criteria? Are students allowed to ask for feedback in advance? You can see all the options in the manual.

I know if and how I want to give grades.
Do you use Comproved formatively, or (also) summatively? If you assess summatively: is giving a grade always necessary or does a pass/fail suffice? In a summative assessment in which you give grades you determine the grades after the ranking is known. You can do this in two ways: using benchmarks from previous years that you already upload before the comparison starts, or afterwards by grading two works on the ranking. Read more here.

I know where to go for help.
No matter how well you prepare, questions always come up while doing an assessment. Especially if you are doing this for the first time. Feel free to keep asking all your questions. Contact us, we’d love to help!
Now you’re all set for your first assessment with Comproved. Good luck! Still have a question? Don’t hesitate to contact us!