Assess better.
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Comproved is an assessment tool for education that relies on the power of comparison to promote students’ active learning.

Assess better.
Learn more.

Comproved is an assessment tool that relies on the power of comparison to promote students’ active learning.

This is what Comproved users say

Comproved is a spin-off of five years scientific research into comparative judgement with:

Universiteit Antwerpen logo
imec logo
Universiteit Gent logo

Want to know more about comparative judgement?

Find out in 28 frequently asked questions!


Why comparative judgement?

Students learn

Students can learn a lot from an assessment. The Comproved comparing tool helps teachers to let students:

  • gain an insight in quality work
  • give and receive peer feedback through comparison
  • actively process feedback

Fair and qualitative

Did you know that teachers differ up to 8 points on a 20-point scale when they judge the same student? Our comparing tool offers guidance. It:

  • simplifies assessments
  • bases scores on multiple assessments
  • combines assessors’ expertise

Rooted in science

The Comproved comparing tool is the result of five years of thorough academic research. Comparative assessment:

  • encourages feedback on complex skills
  • provides valuable data for teachers and students
  • is more accurate than other assessment methods
  • is easy to apply

User friendly

The Comproved comparing tool is perfectly suited for educational settings. It:

  • integrates easily with other tools (LTI)
  • delivers interactive results
  • encourages collaboration with other teachers

Our blog

How do you give good, effective feedback? We discuss 4 ways to formulate feedback that your students can work with. ...

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